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“What Paulo taught me is that for wellbeing and good health everything is linked.

Not my GP, physiotherapist or chiropractor were able to treat me as he has.”

Tracy Aire

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The national discussion forum and community for UK Healthcare Professionals with an interest in acute, chronic, or palliative Pain Management.
Pain-talk is run by, and for, Healthcare Professionals on a 'not-for-profit' basis, and provides an on-line discussion forum for individuals to share their experiences (good or bad!), ask questions, request help etc. etc.

Pain-talk aims to fill a gap in our current support, information gathering, and information sharing networks. It features lead articles written by those working within Pain Management and provides links to some of the best pain related Internet sites (as well as highlighting some of the 'more questionable' sites that the web has to offer!)

Pain-talk lists Study Days, Meetings & Conferences, & can help you to publicise yours.  Find out more about Pain-Talk HERE
Next. Previous. CHRONIC PAIN. LINKS - Chronic Pain. LINKS - Chronic Pain.